Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Live And Let Die (Level 5)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles:
Live And Let Die (Level 5)

Short description:
In Live and Let Die, Bond finds himself in Jamaica investigating the underworld criminal 'Mr Big', who is suspected of selling antique gold coins to finance Soviet spy operations. As usual, Bond gets caught up in many dangerous situations. He also falls in love with Mr Big's girlfriend, the mysterious and beautiful Solitaire.

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  1. mine: a bomb that is hidden under the ground or under water and explodes when it is touched. A limpet mine is attached to a boat or ship.
  2. gambling: an activity in which you risk money in the hope of winning more if you are lucky
  3. naval conference: a conference is a large meeting where people who are interested in a particular subject discuss ideas. A naval conference is a meeting where people discuss ideas relating to a country’s navy - the part of a country’s armed forces that uses ships.
  4. intercom: a system that allows people in different parts of a building, aircraft or ship to speak to each other
  5. Commander in Chief: someone in charge of the whole of the armed forces in a country
  6. melted down - to melt something down: to use heat to change a metal into a liquid
  7. gold bar: gold is a heavy yellow metal which is used by every country in the world as a form of money. Before it is made into coins, gold is valued by weight and stored as a solid block of gold called a gold bar.
  8. network: a group of people or organizations that work together
  9. sleeping car attendant: someone whose job is to help people who travel on a part of a train that has beds in it for passengers to sleep in
  10. yacht: a large expensive boat that is used for racing or sailing
  11. gangster: a member of an organized group of criminals
  12. SMERSH: in the past, SMERSH was a part of the Russian Secret Service. The name meant Death to Spies.
  13. Idlewild Airport: the name for J. F. Kennedy Airport in New York before 1964
  14. chauffeur: someone whose job is to drive a rich or important person around in their car
  15. CIA: the Central Intelligence Agency: a US government organization that collects secret information about other countries and protects secret information about the US
  16. FBI: the Federal Bureau of Investigation: a US government department that deals with serious crimes that affect more than one state
  17. case: a crime that the police are trying to solve
  18. threatened — to threaten someone: to tell someone that you will cause them harm or problems, especially in order to make them do something
  19. collar: the part of a coat, shirt or dress that goes around your neck
  20. casual: casual clothes or shoes are comfortable and suitable for wearing in informal situations
  21. holster: a leather container for a small gun that is fixed to a belt
  22. foot: a unit used for measuring length that is equal to 12 inches or about 30 centimetres
  23. arranged - to arrange to do something: to make plans for something to happen
  24. Homicide: the department of the police that deals with homicide - the crime of killing someone
  25. Jetty: a long narrow structure that goes from the land out into a lake, sea or river to provide a place for boats to stop
  26. bait: food that is used for attracting and catching fish
  27. coral: a hard pink, white or red substance that grows in the sea
  28. aquarium: a glass container for fish and other water animals
  29. tropical: from the hottest parts of the world
  30. warehouse: a big building where large amounts of goods are stored
  31. switchboard: the electronic equipment that is used to connect telephone calls in a large business or organization 
  32. whisper: to speak very quietly to someone so that other people cannot hear you. This quiet way of speaking is called a whisper. The man at the switchboard is called The Whisper because his job is to give people secret messages from Mr Big.
  33. headset: a piece of radio or telephone equipment that you wear over your ears with a part that you can speak into
  34. steel: a strong, silver metal
  35. urgently: expressing the feeling of wanting something very much or wanting it immediately
  36. warn: to tell someone about a possible problem or danger so that they can avoid it or deal with it
  37. boxer: someone who takes part in boxing - a sport in which two people fight each other wearing large leather gloves
  38. Sweetcom: the small yellow seeds of maize plants which are cooked and eaten as a vegetable
  39. pretended - to pretend: to behave in a particular way because you want someone to believe that something is true when it is not
  40. act: a short performance
  41. mask: something that you wear in order to cover part or all of your face
  42. riding whip: a long thin piece of leather with a handle on one end that is used for making horses move faster
  43. investigate: to try to find out all the facts about something in order to learn the truth about it
  44. treasury: the government department responsible for a country’s financial matters
  45. inch: a unit for measuring length that is equal to 2.54 centimetres
  46. telepathic: able to communicate using telepathy - the ability of people to communicate directly with another person’s mind, without using words
  47. Solitaire: the woman is from Haiti, where one of the official languages is French. Solitaire is the French word for alone or hnely. The woman is called Solitaire because she chooses not to have a boyfriend or husband.
  48. playing cards: playing cards are pieces of strong card or paper with numbers and pictures printed on them. There are four swits - or different families - in a pack (or deck) of playing cards. These are spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs .... Each suit has 13 cards in it: ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jack or knave, queen and king. The ace, jack or knave, queen and king have different values in some card games ... Solitaire uses a queen o f spades, which has an image of a black woman, to represent herself and a knave of hearts, which has an image of a man, to represent James Bond.
  49. Damn you!: an impolite expression used when you are annoyed with someone
  50. sweat: to produce a liquid called sweat on the surface of your skin when you are hot, nervous or ill
  51. fain ted - to faint: to suddenly be in a state like sleep, in which you do not see, feel or think, for a short time
  52. bullet: a small piece of metal that is shot from a gun and causes serious damage to the person or thing it hits
  53. swore - to swear: to use words that are deliberately offensive, for example because you are angry
  54. nuisance: someone or something that is annoying or causes continuous problems
  55. injured: hurt in an accident or attack. Physical harm done to a person or part of their body is called an injury.
  56. steel-capped: when the top front part of a shoe or boot is covered with steel
  57. knocked out - to knock someone out: to make someone fall to the ground in a state like sleep, in which they do not see, feel or think
  58. grinned - to grin: to smile showing your teeth
  59. conductor: someone on a bus or train who checks passengers’ tickets and collects money
  60. Causeway: a raised road or path across ground that is wet or covered by water
  61. subway: an underground tunnel that people can walk through to go under a road or under train tracks
  62. cottage: a small house, usually in a village or in the countryside
  63. kidnapped - to kidnap someone: to illegally take someone away and make them a prisoner, especially in order to make their family or a government give you money. The act of doing this is called kidnapping.
  64. signal: a piece of equipment with coloured lights on it that tells the driver of a vehicle to stop, go or slow down
  65. waterfront: an area of land that is next to a river, lake or the sea
  66. trigger: the part of a gun that you pull with your finger to make the gun fire
  67. cop: a police officer
  68. clue: an object or fact that helps someone to solve a crime or mystery
  69. patient: someone who is receiving medical treatment
  70. bandage: a long thin piece of material that you put around an injured part of your body
  71. alibi: someone who has an alibi can prove that they were somewhere else when a crime was committed
  72. tank: a glass container for fish, snakes etc
  73. harbour: an area of water near the land where it is safe for boats to stay
  74. torch: a small electric light that you hold in your hand
  75. Poisonous: a poisonous animal or plant is capable of producing poison – a substance that can kill you or make you ill if you eat, drink or breathe it
  76. blade: the thin sharp part of a knife, tool or weapon that cuts things
  77. yard: a unit for measuring length that is equal to 0.91 metres
  78. passageway: a long narrow area with walls on each side that leads from one room or place to another 
  79. trapdoor: a small door that covers an opening in the floor, ceiling or wall
  80. patch: a cover that you wear over an injured eye
  81. treasure hunter: a hunter is someone who looks for a particular thing. Treasure hunters look for treasure - valuable things, for example jewels, gold etc
  82. suspicious: if something is suspicious, you think that it might be bad or dangerous
  83. frogman suit: a frogman is someone who does police or military work under water. Frogmen wear special clothes, or suits, and use special equipment.
  84. compressed air bottle: a container for air, used for breathing under water
  85. harpoon: a pole with a thin sharp part that is fixed to a rope, used for hunting whales and big fish
  86. binoculars: a piece of equipment with two parts that you hold against your eyes and look through to see distant objects
  87. anchor: to prevent a boat from moving by dropping a heavy object called an anchor into the water
  88. palm tree: a tropical tree without branches that has large wide leaves growing from its top
  89. undertaker: someone whose job is to make arrangements for a funeral – the ceremony that takes place after someone dies
  90. mile: a unit for measuring distance, equal to 1.609 kilometres or 1760 yards
  91. canoe: a light narrow boat that you push through the water using a short pole with a flat end or with two flat ends called a paddle
  92. dagger: a small weapon with a short handle and a long sharp blade
  93. fuse: an object like string, or a piece of electrical equipment, that is used to make a bomb explode
  94. coral reef: a hard natural structure under the sea that is formed from coral
  95. stretcher: a type of bed that is used for carrying someone who is injured or ill
  96. octopus: a sea animal with a soft round body and eight long arms
  97. shackles: a pair of connected metal rings that can be locked onto the wrists or legs of a prisoner
  98. briefcase: a case for carrying documents
  99. arrest: if the police arrest someone, they take that person to a police station because they think that he or she has committed a crime
  100. smuggling: the activity of taking someone or something secretly or illegally into or out of a place
  101. claim: an official request for something that you believe you have a right to

Friday, July 24, 2015

World Wonders (Level 2)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles:
World Wonders (Level 2)

Short description:
What are the most beautiful, the most interesting, the most wonderful things in the world? The Great Pyramid, the Great Wall of China, the Panama Canal - everyone has their favourites. And there are natural wonders too - Mount Everest, Niagara Falls, and the Northern Lights, for example.

Here is one person's choice of eleven wonders. Some of them are made by people, and others are natural. Everyone knows the Grand Canyon and the Great Barrier Reef - but what about the Iguazú Falls, or the old city of Petra? Come and discover new wonders ...

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  1. Buddhist: (n & adj) following the teachings of Buddha
  2. calcium carbonate: (CaCO3) something solid and white that is found in chalk and some kinds of stone
  3. camel: a large animal with a long neck that carries people and things in hot dry places
  4. canal: a long narrow passage that carries water
  5. cherry tree: a tree with beautiful pink or white flowers
  6. city: a big and important town; capital city the most important city in a country
  7. column: a tall piece of stone or wood that is part of a building
  8. cool: a little cold; between warm and cold
  9. cubic metre: the volume of something that is 1 metre long, 1 metre wide, and 1 metre high (m3)
  10. dam: a wall that is built across a river to hold the water back
  11. defend: to fight to keep away people or things that attack
  12. destroy: when something is destroyed, it is dead and finished (e.g. fire destroys a forest)
  13. earth: the world; the planet that we live on
  14. earthquake: a sudden strong shaking of the ground
  15. electricity: power that makes machines work and can make heat and light
  16. elephant: a very big wild animal with a long nose that hangs down
  17. entrance: the door or opening where you go into a place
  18. flag: a piece of cloth with a special pattern on it; every country has its flag
  19. flat: (adj) smooth, with no parts higher or lower than the rest
  20. forest: a large area of land covered with trees
  21. gazelle: a small animal like a deer that can run very fast
  22. god: a spirit that people believe has power over them and nature
  23. grass: a plant with thin green leaves that grows on the ground
  24. grow: to get bigger; (of a plant) to exist in a particular place
  25. harbour: a place where ships can stay safely in the water
  26. Hindu: belonging to the religion of Hinduism
  27. hyena: a wild animal like a dog that eats dead animals
  28. jaguar: a large wild cat with black spots
  29. kind: a group of things that are the same in some way
  30. king: the most important man in a country
  31. land: the part of the earth that is not the sea; a piece of ground
  32. line: a long thin mark like this _
  33. magnetic: able to attract things made of iron;
  34. magnetic field: an area with a magnetic force
  35. moss: a very small green plant that grows in wet places
  36. Muslim: following the religion of Islam
  37. nail: a thin piece of metal that holds pieces of wood together
  38. natural: made by nature, not by people
  39. park: a large place with trees and gardens where people can walk
  40. particle: a very small piece of something
  41. pink: with a light red colour
  42. prayer: words that you say to God or a god
  43. rare: not found very often
  44. rock: something very hard that is found in the ground
  45. shadow: a dark shape that something makes on the ground when it is between the sun and the ground 
  46. snake: an animal with a long thin body and no legs
  47. spice: a small part of a plant that you put in food to make it taste good
  48. sport: a game like football, tennis etc.
  49. statue: a model of a person, made from stone or metal
  50. telegraph: a way of sending messages along wires using electricity
  51. temple: a building where people worship a god or gods
  52. terracotta: a red-brown earth that is cooked to make it hard
  53. treasure: something that is worth a lot of money;
  54. treasury: a place where valuable things are kept
  55. weapon: something that you use to fight with
  56. wildebeest: a large wild animal with curved horns
  57. zebra: a wild animal like a horse with black and white stripes on its body

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Dinosaurs (Level 3)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles:
Dinosaurs (Level 3)

Short description:
Imagine an animal with teeth as big as bananas - and a brain as big as an orange. Or a flying animal with wings as wide as a small plane. Think about a tail that could knock a man's head off, or a mouth with hundreds of teeth. Is it any surprise that people are interested in dinosaurs?

Nobody has ever seen a living dinosaur, but millions of us go every year to stare at the bones of these enormous animals. In books, films and games, we can't get enough of the secrets of the dinosaur world ...

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  1. archosaur: a very early kind of dinosaur
  2. attract: to make somebody like something
  3. bear: a big wild animal with thick fur
  4. bone: one of the hard white parts inside the body of an animal; (adj) bony
  5. brain: the part of the head that thinks and remembers
  6. breathe: to take air in through your nose or mouth
  7. club: a heavy stick with one thick end, used as a weapon
  8. cold-blooded: having a body temperature that changes as the air or water temperature changes
  9. continent: a very large area of land, e.g. Africa
  10. crocodile: a big animal with a long tail and a big mouth with sharp teeth
  11. defend: to fight to keep away things that attack
  12. dung: solid waste from animals
  13. Earth: the world
  14. elephant: a very big wild animal from Africa or Asia, with a long nose that hangs down
  15. enormous: very big
  16. evolve: to change slowly over time
  17. female: belonging to the sex that can have babies
  18. fossil: part of a dead plant or animal that has changed to rock over a long time; (v)
  19. fossilize: to become a fossil
  20. herd: a big group of animals of the same kind
  21. hollow: with an empty space inside
  22. huge: very big
  23. human: a person, not an animal or machine
  24. hunt: to chase animals and kill them
  25. iguana: a large American lizard
  26. imagine: to make a picture of something in your mind
  27. insect: a very small animal that has six legs
  28. jaw: one of the two bones in the head that hold the teeth
  29. lay: (past tense laid) to bring an egg out of the body
  30. lion: a large wild animal of the cat family
  31. lizard: a small animal that has four legs and a long tail
  32. male: belonging to the sex that cannot have babies
  33. mammal: an animal that drinks milk from its mother’s body when it is young
  34. model: a copy of something
  35. mouse: a small animal with a long tail
  36. museum: a place where you can look at old or interesting things
  37. nest: a place where a bird or snake keeps its eggs and its babies
  38. ornithiscian: a plant-eating dinosaur with very thick skin
  39. period: an amount of time
  40. rhinoceros: a big animal with thick skin and a horn on its nose
  41. sand: very small pieces of rock that you find on beaches
  42. sauropod: a big plant-eating dinosaur with a long neck and tail
  43. scientist: a person who studies natural things
  44. sharp: with a point that cuts or makes holes easily
  45. snake: an animal with a long thin body and no legs
  46. theropod: a meat-eating dinosaur
  47. up to: as much as or as many as
  48. victim: someone who suffers as the result of a crime
  49. volcano: a mountain with a hole in the top where fire and gas sometimes come out
  50. warm-blooded: having a body temperature that does not change when the air or water temperature changes
  51. weight: how heavy something is; (v) weigh
  52. wound: a hurt place in the body

Monday, July 13, 2015

Lorna Doone (Level 4)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles:
Lorna Doone (Level 4)

Short description:
One winter's day in 1673 young John Ridd is riding home from school, across the wild lonely hills of Exmoor. He has to pass Doone valley - a dangerous place, as the Doones are famous robbers and murderers. All Exmoor lives in fear of the Doones.

At home there is sad news waiting for young John, and he learns that he has good reason to hate the Doones. But in the years to come he meets Lorna Doone, with her lovely smile and big dark eyes. And soon he is deeply, hopelessly, in love . . .

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  1. attack: (v) to start fighting someone or something; attack (n) an attempt to hurt someone or something
  2. bog: very soft, wet ground that pulls you down
  3. darling: a word for someone that you love very much
  4. defend: to fight to keep away dangerous things or people
  5. earl: a title for a man from a very grand family
  6. evil: very bad
  7. fire: (v) to shoot a gun
  8. force: (v) to make someone do something when they do not want to
  9. gap: an opening in something, or between two things
  10. inn: a house or small hotel where you can get meals and drinks, and a room for the night
  11. lord: a title for a man from an important family
  12. master: a man who has servants working for him
  13. mistress: a woman who has servants working for her
  14. moor: open, wild, high land
  15. rebel: a person who fights against his country’s leaders
  16. sand: the soft, yellow or white earth that is found on beaches by the sea
  17. signal: a sign (e.g. a flag or a light) that sends a message to someone
  18. size: how big or small something is
  19. strength: being strong
  20. Saint Valentine’s Day: February 14th; a day when lovers give each other cards and sometimes presents
  21. tightly: very closely and strongly

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Drive into Danger (Level 0)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles: Drive into Danger
(Level 0)

Short description:
'I can drive a truck,' says Kim on her first day at work in the office. When Kim's passenger Andy finds something strange under the truck things get dangerous - very dangerous.

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  1. Café: a place where people can eat and drink
  2. coffee: a hot drink
  3. danger: something that can hurt you or get you into trouble
  4. dirty: you need to have a bath when you are dirty
  5. drug: something that some people take to make them feel happy or sleepy
  6. entrance: the way into somewhere
  7. fall: go down suddenly
  8. ferry: a way of getting cars and trucks across the sea
  9. follow: go after
  10. gun: something that shoots and kills people
  11. jump: move quickly or suddenly
  12. licence: you need this paper before you can drive a car
  13. motorway: a big road where you can drive fast
  14. oil: a liquid that helps cars and trucks move
  15. overnight bag: a bag with sleeping and washing things
  16. passport: you need this book to travel outside your country
  17. throw: move your arm quickly to send something through the air
  18. truck stop: a place where trucks stop and their drivers eat and drink
  19. wine: an adult drink made from fruit

Friday, July 10, 2015

Sense and Sensibility (Level 5)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles:
Sense and Sensibility (Level 5)

Short description:
Sometimes the Dashwood girls do not seem like sisters. Elinor is all calmness and reason, and can be relied upon for practical, common sense opinions. Marianne, on the other hand, is all sensibility, full of passionate and romantic feeling. She has no time for dull common sense - or for middle-aged men of thirty-five, long past the age of marriage.

True love can only be felt by the young, of course. And if your heart is broken at the age of seventeen, how can you ever expect to recover from the passionate misery that fills your life, waking and sleeping?

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  1. admire: to have a very good opinion of someone or something
  2. affection: a strong feeling of liking or love; (adj) affectionate
  3. agitated: showing in your behaviour that you are anxious and nervous
  4. approve: to think that someone or something is good or right
  5. astonish: to surprise someone very much
  6. attachment: a feeling of liking or love for a place or person
  7. attract: to cause a person to like someone
  8. attractiveness: the appearance or qualities that make a person pleasant to look at or to be with
  9. bachelor: an unmarried man
  10. bear: (v) to suffer pain or unhappiness; to accept something unpleasant without complaint
  11. blush: (v) to become red in the face, especially when embarrassed
  12. carriage: a vehicle, pulled by horses, for carrying people
  13. the Church: the Anglican Church (the Church of England)
  14. comfort: (n) having a pleasant life, with everything you need
  15. comfort: (v) to be kind and sympathetic to someone who is worried or unhappy
  16. cottage: a small, simple house, usually in the country
  17. debt: money that is owed to someone
  18. debtor: a person who owes money
  19. deceive: to make someone believe something that is not true
  20. deserve: to be good enough, or worthy enough, for something
  21. duel: a formal fight with weapons between two people, used in the past to decide an argument, often about a question of honour
  22. elegant: graceful and attractive in appearance; (n)
  23. elegance fair: treating people equally or in the right way
  24. firm: (adj) strong and determined in attitude and behaviour
  25. frost: a thin white covering of ice on the ground in cold weather
  26. gain: (v) to obtain or win something that you need or want
  27. gentleman: a man of good family and social position
  28. Good heavens! an exclamation of surprise
  29. honour: (n) (1) the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right; (2) a great pleasure or privilege
  30. hospitable: welcoming and generous to guests and visitors
  31. infection: an illness which can easily be passed on to others
  32. inheritance: money or property that you receive from someone when they die; (v) to inherit
  33. lack: (n) not having something, or not having enough of something; (v) to lack
  34. living: (n) (in the past) a position in the Church as a priest, and the income and house that go with this
  35. lock: (n) a length or curl of hair
  36. mistress: (in the past) the female head of a house, who employs the servants
  37. mother-in-law: the mother of your husband or wife
  38. opportunity: a chance, the right time for doing something
  39. passion: a strong feeling or emotion, especially of love or hate; (adj) passionate
  40. praise: (v) to express your admiration and good opinion of someone; (n) praise
  41. recover: (v) to get better after an illness; (n) recovery
  42. relieved: glad that a problem has gone away; (n) relief
  43. respect: (v) to admire and have a high opinion of someone because of their good qualities; (n) respect 
  44. rival: (n) someone who competes with another person (e.g. in love)
  45. romantic: very imaginative and emotional; not looking at situations in a realistic way
  46. scoundrel: a man who treats other people badly, especially by being dishonest or immoral
  47. seduce: to persuade someone (usually young and inexperienced) to have sex against their wishes
  48. sensibility: the ability to understand and experience deep feelings; the quality of being strongly affected by emotional influences
  49. sink: (v) to go down, or to cause to become, lower; to move downwards (e.g. by sitting or falling)
  50. sob: (v) to cry loudly and very unhappily
  51. sociable: fond of being with other people; friendly
  52. sorrow: a feeling of great sadness
  53. spoil: to do too much for a child, so that it has a bad effect on their character; (adj) spoilt
  54. stepmother: the woman who is married to your father but who is not your real mother
  55. subject: (n) the thing or person that is being discussed
  56. taste: (n) the ability to choose or recognize things which are elegant, attractive and pleasing
  57. trust: (v) to have confidence in someone, and in their ability to keep a secret
  58. vicar: a priest in the Church of England
  59. vulgar: low, common, coarse, lacking in taste or manners

Friday, July 3, 2015

Pride and Prejudice (Level 6)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles:
Pride and Prejudice (Level 6)

Short description:
'The moment I first met you, I noticed your pride, your sense of superiority, and your selfish disdain for the feelings of others. You are the last man in the world whom I could ever be persuaded to marry,' said Elizabeth Bennet.

And so Elizabeth rejects the proud Mr Darcy. Can nothing overcome her prejudice against him? And what of the other Bennet girls - their fortunes, and misfortunes, in the business of getting husbands?

This famous novel by Jane Austen is full of wise and humorous observation of the people and manners of her times.

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  1. Accomplished: well trained or educated in social skills such as conversation, art, music, etc.
  2. affection: a strong feeling of liking or love
  3. agreeable: pleasant, charming
  4. amends, make amends to put right a mistake or an injustice done to somebody
  5. apparent: seeming, not real
  6. astonishment: great surprise
  7. attachment: a feeling of liking or love for a place or person
  8. ball: a grand, formal dance
  9. blush: (v) to become red in the face, especially when embarrassed
  10. the Church: the Church of England
  11. colonel an army title; the head of a regiment
  12. compliment: (n and v) a remark expressing respect or admiration
  13. conquer: to repress or control; (n) conquest
  14. considerate: thoughtful; careful not to hurt other people’s feelings
  15. contempt: a feeling that someone or something is worthless
  16. desire: (n) a strong wish
  17. disdain: (n) a feeling or show of superiority or dislike
  18. elder/eldest: older/oldest (used only of people, especially of members of a family)
  19. elegance: good taste in clothes, appearance, and manner
  20. elope: to run away from home in order to get married secretly
  21. favourable: giving or showing approval
  22. flatter: (v) to praise someone too much or insincerely
  23. Gentleman: a man of good family and social position, usually wealthy
  24. haste: a hurry; quickness of action
  25. honour: (n) moral principles; a privilege or pleasure
  26. indifference: a complete lack of concern or interest
  27. inferior: less clever or important than other people, or of lower social position
  28. justice: right and fair behaviour or treatment
  29. ladyship: a title used in speaking to or about a titled lady
  30. late: no longer alive
  31. library: a room in a house, used for keeping books
  32. long: (v) to want to do something very much
  33. master, mistress: a man or woman who owns a house and employs servants
  34. mock: (v) to laugh unkindly at someone, to make fun of them
  35. morals: an understanding of right and wrong behaviour
  36. mutual: of a feeling shared by two people
  37. obstinate: refusing to change one’s opinion or actions; (n) obstinacy
  38. party: a group of people doing something together
  39. patron: (here) a person who has the right to give someone a Church of England post (e.g. the post of rector)
  40. penniless: very poor; having no money at all
  41. propose: to ask someone to marry you
  42. rector: a priest in the Church of England
  43. rectory: a rector’s house
  44. regiment: a large number of soldiers, part of an army
  45. reject: (v) to refuse to accept
  46. Right: (n) a proper claim to something
  47. servility: being too ready to obey other people and behave like a servant
  48. sister/brother-in-law: a sister/brother by marriage (e.g. your husband’s sister)
  49. sociable: fond of being with other people; friendly
  50. superior: better, cleverer, more important than other people, or of higher social position
  51. taste: (here) the ability to enjoy or to choose things which are elegant, attractive and pleasing
  52. underestimate: (v) to have too low an opinion of something or someone
  53. vulgar: low, common, coarse, lacking in taste or manners.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Elephant Man (Level 1)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles:
The Elephant Man (Level 1)

Short description:
He is not beautiful. His mother does not want him, children run away from him. People laugh at him, and call him 'The Elephant Man'.

Then someone speaks to him - and listens to him! At the age of 27, Joseph Merrick finds a friend for the first time in his life.

This is a true and tragic story. It is also a famous film.

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  1. Bath: when you want to wash your body, you sit in a bath full of water
  2. Below: under
  3. Beside: next to
  4. Bible: the most important book for Christians
  5. Box: (in a theatre) a small ‘room’; you can watch the stage from a box, but other people can’t see you
  6. Cab: an old word for ‘taxi’
  7. Card: a piece of paper with your name and address on it (visiting card); or a card with a picture and a greeting on it (e.g. a Christmas card)
  8. Chairman: an important man in the hospital
  9. Cloth: trousers, coats, dresses, etc. are made from cloth
  10. (the) country: not the town
  11. Creature: a living animal
  12. Drop: to let something fall
  13. Editor: the most important person in a newspaper office
  14. Elephant: a very big grey animal with a long nose and big ears
  15. Enormous: very big
  16. Yours Faithfully: you write “Yours Faithfully” at the end of a formal letter
  17. Fingers: you have five fingers on each hand
  18. Fish: fish live in rivers and in the sea
  19. Food: what you eat
  20. Gentleman: a man from an important family
  21. Glass: you drink tea from a cup, you drink water from a glass
  22. Heavy: it is difficult to carry heavy things; 1,000 kilos is very heavy
  23. By himself: nobody was with him
  24. Hip: the place where your leg joins your body
  25. Hole: an empty space or opening in something
  26. Horrible: not nice; people are often afraid of ‘horrible’ things
  27. Kind: nice, good; a kind person often helps people
  28. Knee: the middle of your leg where it bends
  29. Lady: a woman from an important family
  30. Life: your life stops when you die
  31. Lighthouse: a tall building by or in the sea, with a strong light; the lights tells ships that there are dangerous rocks
  32. Like (preposition): not different; e.g. a river is like the sea, because it is made of water
  33. Loudly: with a lot of noise
  34. (His/Her/Your) Majesty: when you speak to a king or a queen, you say ‘Your Majesty’
  35. Marry: to take somebody as your husband or wife
  36. Mirror: a piece of special glass; you can see your face in a mirror
  37. Neck: your neck is between your head and your body
  38. Newspaper: you read a newspaper to know what is happening in the world
  39. Nose: your nose is between your eyes and your mouth
  40. Place: where something or someone is (a room, a house, a town, etc.)
  41. Play: (n) you go to the theatre to see a play
  42. Police: the police help people; they also put bad people in prison
  43. Present: something that you give or get from somebody (e.g. a birthday present)
  44. Prison: a building for bad people; they must stay there and cannot leave
  45. Queen: the most important woman in Britain
  46. Sad: not happy
  47. Scream: to make a loud high cry because you are afraid or angry
  48. Shake hands (past tense shook) to hold somebody’s hand and move it up and down as a greeting
  49. Shopkeeper: a person who has a small shop
  50. Side: the part of something that is not the top, bottom, front or back
  51. Skin: you have skin all over your body; people have different skin colours
  52. Smell (past tense smelt) you see with your eyes; you smell with your nose
  53. Step: a place to put your foot when you go up or down
  54. Stick: a long piece of wood; Merrick walks with a stick
  55. Strange: different
  56. Stream: a small river
  57. Tears: water from your eyes when you cry
  58. Theatre: a building where you go to see plays
  59. Touch: to feel something with your hands
  60. Ugly: not beautiful
  61. Voice: you talk with your voice

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Secret Garden (Level 3)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles:
The Secret Garden (Level 3)

Short description:
Little Mary Lennox is a bad-tempered, disagreeable child. When her parents die in India, she is sent back to England to live with her uncle in a big, lonely, old house.

There is nothing to do all day except walk in the gardens - and watch the robin flying over the high walls of the secret garden . . . which has been locked for ten years. And no one has the key.

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  1. angel: a messenger from God, or a very good person
  2. bad-tempered: often cross and angry
  3. bury (past tense buried): to put a person or thing in the ground
  4. confused: not able to think clearly, or to understand something
  5. cousin: the child of your uncle or aunt
  6. dialect: a different way of speaking the same language in a different part of a country (e.g. Yorkshire)
  7. disagreeable: not pleasing; bad-tempered
  8. furious: very angry
  9. handsome: good-looking (usually for a boy or a man)
  10. hop (past tense hopped): to jump on one foot
  11. horrid: bad, terrible, not at all nice
  12. magic: something strange that can make wonderful, unusual things happen
  13. shocked: very surprised (by something unpleasant)
  14. skip (past tense skipped): to jump again and again over a rope that you are swinging
  15. stare: to look at someone for a long time
  16. tears: drops of water that come from your eyes when you cry
  17. ugly: not beautiful
  18. wander: to walk slowly with no special plan
  19. whisper: to speak very softly and quietly

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

London (Level 1)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles - Factfiles:
London (Levels 1)

Short description:
Come with us to London - a city as old as the Romans, and as new as the twenty-first century. There are places to go - from Oxford Street to Westminster Abbey, from Shakespeare's Globe Theatre to Wimbledon Tennis Club. And things to do - ride on the London Eye, visit the markets, go to the theatre, run in the London Marathon.

Big, beautiful, noisy, exciting - that's London.

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  1. Act: to be in a play or film.
  2. Bank: a place where you keep money.
  3. Cathedral: a big, important church.
  4. Church: a building where people go to talk and sing to God.
  5. Destroy: break something so that you can't use it again.
  6. fall down: move quickly down to the ground.
  7. Fire: something hot that destroys things.
  8. Food: the things we eat.
  9. Gallery: rooms where you can go to look at pictures.
  10. Government: the people who say what must happen in a country.
  11. King: the most important man in a country (often husband of a queen).
  12. Market: a place in the street where you can buy and sell things.
  13. Museum: a building to keep beautiful, old and interesting things for people to look at.
  14. Music: a nice noise to listen to when people sing or play something.
  15. Park: a place where there are trees and grass, and where people can walk and sit.
  16. Place: where something or someone is.
  17. Pub: a building where people drink and talk to their friends.
  18. Queen: the most important woman in a country (often wife of a king}.
  19. Soldier: a man or woman who fights for their country.
  20. Speak: say something.
  21. Theatre: a building where you can see plays and hear music.
  22. World: all seas and countries are on it, and all people and animals live on it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Far from the Madding Crowd (Level 3)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles: Far from the Madding Crowd (Level 3)

Short description:
Bathsheba Everdene is young, proud, and beautiful. She is an independent woman and can marry any man she chooses - if she chooses. In fact, she likes her independence, and she likes fighting her own battles in a man's world.

But it is never wise to ignore the power of love. There are three men who would very much like to marry Bathsheba. When she falls in love with one of them, she soon wishes she had kept her independence. She learns that love brings misery, pain, and violent passions that can destroy lives ...

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            NOTE: At the time of this story, British measurements were in miles, yards, feet and inches. 1 inch = 253995 mm, 1 foot = 30.479 cm, 1 yard = 0.9144 m, 1 mile = 1.6093 km. British money was pounds (£), shillings (s) and pence (d). There were 12 pennies (pence) in 1 shilling and 20 shillings (s) in one pound (£).

 1. county:       the United Kingdom of Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each of these areas is divided into smaller areas called counties.
 2. arguments :  angry discussions between people who do not agree with each other.
 3 guilty - to feel guilty :  Hardy had said unkind things to Emma when she was alive. He felt sorry about this.
 4 buried - to bury :  when a person dies, their body is buried. It is placed in a wooden box - a coffin. The coffin is put into a hole in the ground which is called a grave. Graves are dug in a churchyard - the land around a church.
 5. country area :  the land outside towns, where there are farms, hills, etc., is called countryside. The word is often shortened to the country.
 6. celebrate :  when people want to remember a special time or event, they celebrate. They meet together to enjoy themselves. The meeting is called a celebration.
 7. inns :  places where you can buy alcohol, food and pay for a room to sleep in.
 8. cereal crops :  plants which are grown so that their seeds - the grain - can be used as food. Examples of cereal crops are oats, rye and wheat.
 9. hedges :  lines of trees and bushes which grow around the sides of fields. Hedges stop animals from leaving their fields.
 10. harvested - to harvest :  when crops have finished growing and are ready to eat, they are harvested.
 11. corn exchange :  a place where farmers came to buy or sell the corn - the cereal crops - that they had grown.
 12. hired - to hire :  when you pay a person to do some work for you, you are hiring that person. You are that person’s employer.
 13. good character :  a person who is brave, honest and works hard has a good character. A person who is dishonest and does not behave well has a bad character. People with strong characters often speak about their ideas and make decisions quickly.
 14. wagon :  a heavy wooden vehicle with four wheels which was pulled by one or more strong horses. Wagons where used on farms and country roads to carry heavy things. A carriage was a comfortable vehicle which had four wheels and was pulled by one or two horses.
 15. loaded - to load :  when something is very full it is loaded.
 16. tollgate :  a gate across a road where you have to pay before you can go through it. The money you pay is called a toll.
 17. flute :  a musical instrument that has the shape of a tube. When you play a flute, you hold it sideways to your mouth. You blow air over a hole at one end. At the same time, you move your fingers over holes along the tube.
 18. giving birth - to give birth :  at this time, the sheep are producing lambs - their babies - from their bodies. Before the lambs are born, the sheep are pregnant.
 19. stove :  fire is burned in this container to give heat. Stoves make a room warm, or they cook food.
 20. beer :  a yellow or brown alcoholic drink. Beer is made from grain (see 8) that has been left in water and then dried, and plants called hops.
 21. sheepdogs :  dogs that have been trained to guard and control sheep.
 22. cowshed :  a building on a farm where cows are kept.
 23. cloak :  a long loose coat without sleeves, that fastens around your neck.
 24. recognized - to recognize :  know who a person is and where you have seen them before.
 25. sidesaddle :  sitting on a horse with both your legs on the same side of the horse. At this time, women always rode horses on special saddles in this way. Men rode with one leg on each side of the horse.
 26. embarrass :  make someone feel nervous, afraid, or foolish.
 27. heart ached :  Gabriel Oak loves Bathsheba so much that he feels pain.
 28. barking - to bark :  the sound made by a dog when it is excited.
 29. best chance :  the best thing that he could hope for.
 30. propose :  when a man asks a woman to marry him, he is making a proposal of marriage. He is proposing to the woman.
 31. independent :  an independent person is someone who knows what they want to do and then makes decisions.
 32. sheep’s bells :  bells which were put around the necks of sheep. When the sheep moved, the shepherd could hear where they were.
 33. chased - to chase :  run after something and frighten it.
 34. deep chalkpit :  a large hole in the ground where chalk has been removed.
 35. ruined - to be ruined :  loose all your money or power. Something that is broken or destroyed is ruined. In the nineteenth century, a woman who had a sexual relationship with a man who was not her husband was ruined. People thought that she had a bad character (see 13).
 36. insured - to insure :  if you want to insure something, you have to pay an insurance company an amount of money. Then the insurance company will give you money if your property is lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed.
 37. debt :  an amount of money that you owe to someone. The bank had given Oak money to buy the sheep. Now he has to repay that debt to the bank.
 38. farm manager :  a person who decides when and how work is done on the farm. The farm manager also gives orders to the farm workers.
 39. regiment :  a large group of soldiers who fight together.
 40. shepherd’s crook :  a long pole with a hook on one end. A shepherd’s crook is used to catch or guide sheep.
 41. hay :  dried grass which is given to animals as food.
 42. shy :  be nervous and worried when you meet someone.
 43. guessed - to guess :  if you think that you know what is happening, but you do not know the truth, you are guessing.
 44. rick of straw :  when a cereal crop is harvested, the stalks of the plants are tied together in bundles. When they were dry, the bundles were kept together in a big pile called a rick. Ricks could be made from crops of wheat, barley and oats. The dried, empty stalks of crops whose grain has been removed is called straw.
 45. farmyard :  an area beside a farmhouse that is surrounded by buildings.
 46. rick-cloth :  a large strong cloth that was put over a rick to keep it dry.
 47. ma’am :  the short form of the word madam.
 48. courting - to court :  have a romantic relationship with someone, especially someone that you marry later.
 49. barracks :  buildings where soldiers live.
 50. expect :  think that something will happen.
 51. notice :  if you see someone or something clearly for the first time, you notice them.
            The phrase is also used if you suddenly think that someone is interesting or looks nice.
 52. annoyed :  upset and angry about something.
 53. attractive - to find someone attractive (page 26) think that someone looks beautiful or handsome.
 54. valentine card :  a card that someone sends - on the 14th February - to a person who they love.
 55. mail-cart :  a vehicle which carried people’s letters and parcels between towns and villages.
 56. man of honour :  a man who behaves well and honestly.
 57. crest :  a raised part on the top of a soldier’s metal helmet. Crests held birds’ feathers or long pieces of animals’ hair. Soldiers in some regiments, who rode horses to battles, had helmets in this style.
 58. spurs :  short pieces of metal that someone wears on the heels of their boots while they are riding a horse. When the rider touches the horse with the spurs, the horse will move faster.
 59. respected - to respect :  if someone is respected, people like them and think well of them. You respect someone because they are intelligent, or important. Or you respect them because they are kind and behave well. If you show respect to someone, you are polite because you think that person is clever or important.
 60. disturbed - to disturb :  upset and worry someone.
 61. sheep-washing pool :  each year, farmers wash sheep to remove dirt and insects from the wool on the sheep’s bodies.
 62. admire :  if you like the way that someone looks, works, or behaves, you admire that person. You are that person’s admirer. The feeling that you have is admiration.
 63. fiercely :  showing strong feelings of anger, hate, love, etc.
 64. opinion - want my opinion :  your thoughts about someone or something is your opinion.
            When someone wants your opinion, they are asking to hear your thoughts about that thing.
 65. clover :  green plants that have small leaves with three round parts.
 66. stomachs :  when an animal eats, the food moves from its mouth to its stomach.
 67. swollen :  become bigger. The sheep have eaten a plant which makes them ill. Their stomachs are now very large because they are filled with air. This is giving the sheep great pain and they might die.
 68. desert me :  Bathsheba is asking Gabriel not to leave her alone and in trouble.
 69. riding-habit :  a jacket and long skirt that were worn by women when they rode horses in the nineteenth century.
 70. silk waistcoat :  a waistcoat is a piece of clothing, without sleeves, that a man wears over his shirt. Silk is a beautiful, strong, soft cloth.
 71. scythes :  long wooden poles with long sharp metal blades at one end.
 72. Queen of the Com Exchange :  women did not usually own farms and sell the crops. Troy thinks that Bathsheba is like a queen in a place where only men work.
 73. wasted too much time - to waste time :  Bathsheba thinks that she has been speaking with Troy for too long.
 74. sword practice :  soldiers were given instructions which told them how to fight with their swords. A soldier had to practise how to make cuts with a sword onto different parts of an enemy’s body.
 75. gasped - to gasp :             breathe in suddenly because you are shocked or surprised.
 76. pretend :  do something or say something that you do not believe.
 77. untidy :  an untidy person’s hair and clothes are not in their correct places.
 78. trust :  believe that someone is honest, kind and helpful.
            If you believe that someone will say or do something which will hurt you, you do not trust them. You distrust that person.
 79. punish :  do something to someone because they have done something wrong.
 80. blaming - to blame :  say or think that someone has made trouble.
 81. spars :  long, thin pieces of wood which were pushed down through the bundles to fix them onto the rick.
 82. jealousy - crazy with jealousy :  if someone has something that you want, or does something that you want to do, you are jealous. Jealousy is this feeling of sadness and anger. Bathsheba thought that she was becoming mad because her feeling of jealousy was so strong.
 83. gamble :  play games for money. Troy watches horses racing against each other. He pays to guess which horse will win the race. If he guesses correctly, he will get more money.
 84. workhouse :  at this time, poor people who had no work, no home and no money had to live in a workhouse. They had to work very hard for food.
 85. In Qod’s name :  strong words that someone uses if they are shocked or surprised.
 86. gravestone :  a large piece of flat stone that carries information about the dead person in a grave.
 87. mud :  very wet, soft earth.
 88 in Loving Memory of :  words that are written on a gravestone. The phrase shows someone’s love for the person who is buried in the grave.
 89. travelling circus :   a group of people and animals that travel to different places to entertain people.
 90. highwayman :  a man who stole money and property from people who travelled on highways, or roads. Highwaymen rode fast horses and carried guns.
 91. tried for murder :   Boldwood has killed Troy. He will be taken to a court and asked questions - tried. This is his trial. The judge and jury in the court will then decide if Boldwood meant to kill Troy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Three Men in a Boat (Level 4)

Short description:
'I like work. I find it interesting ... I can sit and look at it for hours.'

With ideas like this, perhaps it is not a good idea to spend a holiday taking a boat trip up the River Thames. But this is what the three friends - and Montmorency the dog - decide to do. It is the sort of holiday that is fun to remember afterwards, but not so much fun to wake up to early on a cold, wet morning.

This famous book has made people laugh all over the world for a hundred years ... and they are still laughing.

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1. aground (adv): touching the bottom of the river in shallow water.
2. bank (river): the ground on each side of a river.
3. bark (n): the short quick sound that a dog makes.
4. bedclothes: the blankets and sheets on a bed.
5. blow (n): hitting someone or something hard.
6. camp (v): to sleep outside in the open air or in tents.
7. cap (n): a kind of hat worn by men.
8. case : a kind of box with glass in the front.
9. fool (n): a very stupid person.
10. hammer (n): a piece of wood with a heavy metal head used for hitting things.
11. hedge (n): a 'wall' of small trees which have been planted together.
12. housekeeper : a person who takes care of a house.
13. keeper: a person who takes care of something.
14. landlord: the owner of a pub.
15. lock (n): a place on a river between gates where boats are raised or lowered to a different level.
16. lock-keeper : a person who looks after a lock on a river.
17. maze: lots of high hedges with narrow paths between them; people have to find their way in and out, and usually get lost.
18. nail (n): a small thin piece of metal with a sharp end.
19. nest (n): a place that a bird makes to have its eggs.
20. nose (n): (in the story) the front of a boat.
21. piano: a large musical instrument with black and white keys that you press to make music.
22. rat: a little grey animal with a long tail.
23. rope: very thick, strong string, used for tying things.
24. splash (v): to make water fly about and make things wet.
25. steer: to turn a wheel or handle to guide a boat, care, etc.
26. stick (past tense stuck): to fix or fasten one things to another thing.
27. stove: a small oil cooker, used for cooking outdoors.
28. stroke (v): to move the hand gently across something, again and again.
29. swan: a big white bird with a long neck.
30. symptom: a sign of illness.
31. teapot: a pot in which tea is made.
32. tent: a small house made of cloth over poles.
33. tin: a metal container for keeping foods.
34. tin-opener: the thing used to cut open a tin.
35. tow: to pull a boat, care, etc, along behind you with a rope.
36. yell (v): to shout very loudly.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Hound of the Baskervilles (Level 4)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles: The Hound of the Baskervilles (Level 4)

Short description:
Dartmoor. A wild, wet place in the south-west of England. A place where it is easy to get lost, and to fall into the soft green earth which can pull the strongest man down to his death.

A man is running for his life. Behind him comes an enormous dog - a dog from his worst dreams, a dog from hell. Between him and a terrible death stands only one person - the greatest detective of all time, Sherlock Holmes.

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A Kiss Before Dying (Level 4)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles: A Kiss Before Dying
(Level 4)

Short description:
Upon learning that his girlfriend is pregnant, a young man cold-bloodedly adjusts his plans for marrying into a wealthy industrialist family. Throughout his life he has used his intelligence, striking good looks, and as a last resort, his ruthless and violent strength to achieve his goals. He refuses to be stopped now―especially by something as trivial as a pregnant girlfriend.

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Skyjack! (Level 3)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles: Skyjack!
(Level 3)

Short description:
When a large plane is hijacked, the Prime Minister looks at the list of passengers and suddenly becomes very, very frightened.

There is a name on the list that the Prime Minister knows very well - too well. There is someone on that plane who will soon be dead - if the hijackers can find out who he is!

And there isn't much time. One man lies dead on the runway. In a few minutes the hijackers will use their guns again. And the Prime Minister knows who they are going to kill.

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  1. aboard: on a plane or a ship
  2. advise: to tell someone what they should do
  3. aisle a place between lines of seats (e.g. on a plane, in a theatre) where you can walk
  4. ambassador a person sent to a foreign country to speak for his own country’s government
  5. attack (v) to try to hurt someone or something
  6. bend (past tense bent) to turn the top half of the body downwards
  7. binoculars very strong glasses used to see things far away
  8. cabin a room on a plane or a ship
  9. chest the front part of the body between the neck and stomach
  10. colonel an important officer in the army
  11. commando section a group of soldiers specially trained for making quick attacks
  12. control room the building in an airport where people control air traffic by radio
  13. crew the pilot and all the people who work on a plane
  14. deal with to do something that needs doing
  15. decision what you have decided
  16. departure lounge a room in an airport where passengers wait
  17. embassy the building where an ambassador lives and works
  18. fire (v) to shoot a gun
  19. fist a closed hand with fingers turned inwards
  20. flash (n) a sudden, very bright light for a very short time
  21. flight a journey on a plane
  22. forehead the part of the face above the eyes
  23. freedom being free; able to do what you want to do
  24. fuel tanker a large vehicle for carrying petrol
  25. gentleman a polite word for a man
  26. goddam (adj, slang) a word used to show you feel strongly about something (e.g. goddam plane)
  27. government the group of people who control a country
  28. groan (v) to make a deep, sad sound
  29. handcuff (v) to lock someone’s hands together with handcuffs (metal rings around the wrists)
  30. hell a word used with question-words (e.g. Where the hell …) to show anger or surprise
  31. hijacker a person who takes control of a plane and makes the pilot fly to a different place
  32. homework schoolwork which you do at home
  33. honey a word for someone you love very much
  34. hostess a woman who takes care of passengers on a plane
  35. innocent an ‘innocent’ person has done nothing bad or wrong
  36. inspector an important police officer
  37. instruments in a plane, instruments tell the pilot how high the plane is, how much fuel there is, etc.
  38. interrupt to stop somebody talking by speaking yourself
  39. journalist a person who writes for newspapers, television, etc.
  40. kneel (past tense knelt) to go down or stay with your knees on the ground
  41. liberation freedom
  42. list (n) a piece of paper with names written on it
  43. local time the time in the place you are talking about
  44. ma’am madam; a polite way of speaking to a woman
  45. machine gun a gun that fires a lot of bullets very fast
  46. marine a soldier who is trained to fight on land or sea
  47. military base a place where soldiers live and work
  48. military men men from an army; soldiers
  49. nervous afraid
  50. on time neither late nor early; at the agreed or correct time
  51. open-necked with the top buttons of a shirt undone
  52. pause (v) to stop for a moment;
  53. pause (n) a short stop
  54. pig a farm animal; in this story, a word for a very bad person
  55. point (v) to show with your hand or finger where something is
  56. pool some liquid (water, blood, etc.) on the ground
  57. pour to put liquids (water, tea, coffee, etc.) into something
  58. power people like prime ministers, presidents, etc. have power; they can tell other people what to do pray to talk to God
  59. press (v) to push hard
  60. prime minister the most important person in a government
  61. refuel to bring more fuel to a plane, ship, etc.
  62. SAS Special Air Service; specially trained British soldiers who are used for difficult kinds of fighting, e.g. against terrorists
  63. set free to make someone free, e.g. from a prison, from a hijack
  64. skyjack a hijack in the air
  65. sweat water that comes out of the skin when you are hot or afraid
  66. take apart to destroy; to win a battle in a very violent way
  67. tarmac a hard material used for roads, airports, etc.
  68. tear (n) water that comes from your eyes when you cry
  69. tear (past tense tore) to pull something to pieces
  70. terrorists very violent people who kill, or promise to kill, other people if they don’t get what they want
  71. throw (past tense threw) to make something move through the air
  72. tough (of a person) strong, hard, brave
  73. transmitter a radio that sends messages
  74. tray a piece of wood (or plastic, etc.) for carrying food and drink

The Call of The Wild (Level 3)

Learn English Through Story - Subtitles: The Call of The Wild
(Level 3)

Short description:
When men find gold in the frozen north of Canada, they need dogs - big, strong dogs to pull the sledges on the long journeys to and from the gold mines.

Buck is stolen from his home in the south and sold as a sledge-dog. He has to learn a new way of life - how to work in harness, how to stay alive in the ice and the snow...and how to fight. Because when a dog falls down in a fight, he never gets up again.

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